light and crispy ∘ infused with soul ∘ healthy ∘ nourished by diversity ∘

Soulfully Spotlighted

Making waves in the media

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Introduce your brand

Love, Peace and Soul Grain!

Our delicious flavors have not been featured in granola! We have a distinct texture that is light and crispy vs hard and crunchy.

Soul Start

This is us!

Soul Grain started with an idea and was fueled and propelled by our passion. We believed that the granola aisles neglected to represent the beauty of diversity. Embark with us on the journey that explores the captivating world of diverse culture, spices, and flavors.

The magic that lies within will immerse you in a tantalizing and unique fusion of flavors that will be nostalgic to some and maybe new to others. Whatever the case is, you will be transported into an epicurean journey where the unique fusion of spices, flavors and texture will create a symphony of taste you will not forget!

Each bite is a celebration of diversity and unity which is what SOUL GRAIN stands for.

In These Streets

Grain Gear

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Camo Hoodie
Camo Hoodie
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